
| Tuesday, January 26, 2021 |
Before starting any running program it is advised to consult the doctor for physical examination.
All workouts for the three level of runners will begin with a 10 Minute warm up run, running drills and dynamic exercises and end with 10 minute cool down, static stretching and conditioning exercises. Following this routine on a regular basis will help you avoid running related injuries.
To get the most from your training, you need to understand the different types of training runs you are doing, what each run is trying to achieve, its intensity and duration all of which will have an impact on your training.
Athletes generally plateau because their training is not structured, progressive or appropriate for their fitness level, experience or goal event.
Listed below are the different elements of training that we incorporate into our training schedules. Naturally the combination, intensity and duration of these elements will depend on your level of experience, current fitness, time of year and the racing goals you are aiming for.
Perhaps now is a good time to look at your strengths and weaknesses, evaluate your training routine and see if there are areas where you can make changes to help you improve your racing performance.

Long runs:

The long run is an important element of training but we often get obsessed with distance, especially when training for a marathon. At first, simply concentrate on increasing the time you spend on your feet rather than worrying about the pace or distance. The key is working at a conversational pace that has a perceived effort level of 6.5—7.5 out of 10 (65—75% of your maximum heart rate or MHR). This may be a brisk walk, a run combined with walk, or a run depending on your current fitness and experience as a runner. These runs improve your muscular endurance, general body condition, running efficiency and economy.

Tempo Run or Threshold runs:

Threshold sessions are one of your most valuable workouts but they do require some effort. They are run at a level of controlled discomfort that is a perceived effort level of 8—8.5 out of 10 (80—85% of MHR). At this level you are only capable of uttering 4 or 5 words to your training partners. You will find that these sessions require concentration, but they will greatly improve your speed endurance, running style and economy.


Hill running of all types develops the strength in your leg muscles and tendons without putting them under the type of stress they are exposed to during fast interval running. Run up a 7—10% gradient for 30 seconds to two minutes at a solid steady pace. Turn immediately at the top and run down the hill with a long relaxed stride, then turn and repeat without resting. They constitute key conditioning sessions. Like a threshold run, during a hill session you should be working at about 8—8.5 out of 10 and be able to utter just 4 or 5 words.


This is a Swedish term that literally means speed play. It involves a number of bursts of effort over a variety of distances and terrains, with variable recovery time. Originally the length of effort was based on the terrain, for example, pushing harder every time you came to a climb, no matter how long it was. But you can adapt it to your own experience. This is a great way of introducing some faster work into your training.

Interval training:

Interval training allows you to practice specific race speeds and involves running timed efforts with a controlled recovery period. The perceived effort level is 9—9.5 out of 10 (90—95% of MHR), which means you cannot talk when on this training run.

Steady runs:

Steady running is carried out a perceived effort level of 7.5—8 out of 10 (75—80% MHR) and means running at a level of some discomfort. A lot of runners do most of their running at this level because they feel they are working hard, but in reality it’s not focused enough to be of real benefit and neither is it easy enough to represent recovery. However, we do recommend steady running at certain points during the training plan.
Who can benefit
If you are new to running and your goal is to complete your first 10K but, without a specific time goal, this program is for you.
Beginners will be first trained to build endurance to cover 5K comfortably by the Run / Walk method in 8 weeks. The next 8 weeks of the training schedule will help you build endurance to cover 10K and cherish your dream of completing your first 10K.
Anyone who has completed a 10K beginners program or have run a 10K race before and want to improve their 10K timing can join this program.The weekly training schedule will consists of one Interval run on 400M track, one Tempo run and one Long run. Apart from these three runs you are advised to do cross training & strengthening sessions independently.
The first 8 weeks of the training schedule will help you in building a solid base for the hard Interval and Tempo runs. The last 8 weeks will train you for the Interval, Tempo, Race specific workouts and Tapering for the Race Day.
Ideal for runners who have run several 5K and 10K races before and want to improve their Personal Best performance can join this program.
A 16 week structured training schedule is prepared based on current fitness level, recent 10K timing and a realistic goal is set. A weekly training schedule based on their current form is shared with the runners. Progress and performances during the training, time trials and races are recorded and monitored on a regular basis.
In addition to the 10K intermediate training schedule, uphill run, fartlek run, sand running, HIIT and plyometric are included in the advanced program for speed and strength. Every fourth week the mileage is reduced and drills such as ladder, cone and medicine ball are included in the program. Research indicates adding strength training to your schedule can reduce injuries by 90%, drop your 5K time by 3.1%, and improve running economy by 4%. The last four weeks of the program will focus on race specific workouts, peaking and tapering for Race Day
Who can benefit
A beginner who wants to challenge the distance of 21.1K or 13.1 Miles and is capable of completing a 5K or 10k distance in a decent time can join this program. The aim of the Beginner must be to finish the HM comfortably without any injuries.
Building a solid base for the HM beginner will be the focus in the training schedule for the first 12 weeks with less emphasis on speed. Since, a beginner will take more than two hours to complete the race one should teach his body to stay on his feet for such long time. The next 4 weeks in the training schedule will focus on speed endurance, peaking and tapering for Race day.
Anyone who has completed a beginners HM program or have raced several 5K or 10k and want to improve their performance can opt for this program. A realistic goal is set based on the current fitness level and recent HM timing.
The first 8 weeks of the training schedule will help on building strength and speed endurance. The last 8 weeks will focus on race specific workouts and tapering for Race Day.
This program is for runners who has a solid base of running and has raced in 10K and HM before and wants to improve their PB performance.
A 16 week training schedule is prepared focusing on aerobic threshold and HM paced runs. Several 10K races will be run to gauge the progress of training. The last six weeks of training will be used to simulate the race conditions and tapering.
"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon."
- Emil Zatopek, 1952 Olympic Marathon gold medalist
Before attempting a Full Marathon it is advised to consult a Physician. Set a specific goal and work towards it. It is not as simple as saying that I want to complete a Full Marathon. Ask yourself why you are doing this. Do you want to just complete if? Do you have a time goal? Do you want to qualify for an event? Do you want to do it just because you are turning 42 or 26? Train accordingly. Focus on whatever your goal is and stay motivated. Train smart with the time you can devote to your training.
Running a Marathon is more of Mental than Physical. You may be in the best shape of your life. But, if you are not strong mentally, chances are that you may not perform to your potential or achieve your goal. Train your mental skills to overcome the adversities during a Marathon.

Who can benefit

If you are a first time marathoner and having one year of experience and wants to challenge the distance of 42.195 Km or 26.2 miles but, without any specific goals, this program is for you. Since, marathon is a challenging distance even for an experienced runner every care is taken to build endurance without getting injured to cover 42.195km for the first time. A 24 week training schedule is periodized with more emphasis on building the aerobic base so that the first time marathoner crosses the finish line with a smiling face.
This Program is for those who have completed the beginners FM training and want to improve the FM performance or raced 10K and HM earlier.
It is said that running a marathon is more mental than physical. So efforts are made to improve the mental skills for marathon running.
Workouts enumerated in the 10K advanced program are followed with more emphasis on building the aerobic threshold, race specific workouts and tapering. Equal importance is given to rest, hydration and fueling before, during and after the run which plays a very important role in Marathon training. Monthly, Nandi Hill run is included in the training schedule.
A runner who has two years of running experience or have raced several 10K and HM before or have completed the intermediate FM training can join this program to improve their PB performance.
A realistic goal is set based on their recent HM timing and work towards it by setting monthly short term performance goals. Several HM races will be run in build up to the marathon and goals revised.
The workouts mentioned in the intermediate FM program will be followed laying emphasis on aerobic endurance, threshold runs and race specific workouts, tapering, fueling before, during and after the run, hydration, rest and recovery, covering the shortest route etc. all of which plays an important role in marathon training.
Runners with experience opting for this plan will undergo in sequence;
Several 10K & HM races during the period will gauge the progress of the runner before attaining the final goal at TMM.
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